[Guild] [Pirri]: Hey guys, i'm drunk
[Guild] [Ashina]: I don't think you've actually talked to us sober in the last 4 months...
If you spot terrorism, blow your anti-terrorism whistle. If you are Vin Diesel, yell really loud
(\ /)
( . .)...Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind...
Druids lick their balls in cat form.
Q u o t e:To slow the opponent down as they trip over the Hunter's corpse.
What exactly is a hunters job in arena?
I tried changing my password to the male reproductive organ.
It said it wasn't long enough :<
One man's treasure is another man's wife
Quitters never whine, whiners never quit
Paper's fine. Nerf Rock. -Sincerely, Scissors
Wow, 200 character signatures. That rocks. Compared to those old 50 character ones we can now pretty much write whatever we like without a threat of running out of character space. Now I can say somet
Girlfriends come and go, but epics are bind on pickup.
" Paladin, the reason why Arthas turned into a Deathknight"
Everytime you whine, Blizzard lags a server.
___/\____\o/__ AAAAH SHARK!
Everything you read here is true.
Only names, times, places, people, events and other facts have been changed to make it more real.
We are dyslexic of Borg. Refutance is systile. Your ass will be laminated!
All the nightelf females that suck in PvP are males in RL and suck because they have their other hand in their pants.
- Assumption is the mother of all fockups
-“The Druid has three potential roles in a group.”
Healing with Healing Touch, healing with Regrowth and healing with Rejuvenation.
I use baby pandas to fuel death coil.
elemental precision is for frost nova. resisted frost nova is what breaks monitors, mice, keyboards, windows, and relationships. it also kills dogs
(o.O )
(> < )
Hop hop hop I'm a bunny specced priest
ALL priests get BUNNYNIZED or feel the rage of the rabbits
A joke is only funny when no one gets it
Fun is for casuals!
happiness, n.: Finding the owner of a lost bikini.
Note to self: Do not post while stupid.
I take the "the" out of Psychotheräpist
(^.^) The bunny says:
(''')(''') You do a lot less dps dead than you do with a shield.
Save a seal, club a paladin today.
Everyone has a photographic memory, some people just don't have any film!!!
Mine. Our guild leader who's microphone wasn't working whispered me and told me to say that on vent. I've been getting wierd looks ever since!
Q u o t e:
Tell them that if you wipe us fifty hamster ninjaz is gonna come to your god forsaken house and wtfpwn you with fifty tiny little knives and then Decapitate your sorry ass!
MMORPG = Many Men Online RolePlaying Girls
The man who never made mistakes, never made anything.
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
Mark Twain
It told me the requirements were Windows 98 or better..... so I installed Gentoo linux
Stupidity is a cross faction skill alot of people seem to have 300/300 in.
Of all the things I've lost,
I miss my mind the most
( `-´ ) <( I am ze ebil Bunny! No summons for you! BAH HA HA HA Hop hop hop.)
( >< )D
I put the "fur" in "fury".
"Let's re-introduce world PvP" says Blizzard
"The idea is to click on the orb before you get cheap shotted"
Your girlfriend ain't mad at you, she's just jealous of your epics.
Skinning a bear should aggro every bears in a 40 yard radius. It makes sense, you are actually skinning their best friend.
Rogues do it from behind.
Hunters do it from thirty yards away................With animals. O.o
Hunter: Whats the kill order Mr.tankadin
Tankadin : This room then the next then the boss.
*Throws shield*
Nihilum raiders are so good, they even go to the toilet without wiping.
When god created men, she was only joking.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I've killed today because they just got on my nerves.
*** Always taste yellow snow. It might be beer! ***
Games doesnt make people violent. Lag does!
Reality is a matter of perception.
Noobs whine, pro's adapt.
Three of four people belong to 75% of the population.
dont need to get a life ! I'm a gamer, i have lots of lifes !
When you look at the candle, if you see fire, you know the meal was cooked hours before.
How is it that thousands of basilisks are running around without brains while Edwin Van Cleef has four spare heads tucked away somewhere?
Rogues are overpowered...
When dodging a Warrior.
i dislike anyone who reduces a video game to maths homework, after all getting away from maths homework is one of the reasons i took up playing video games in the first place . . .