Tuesday, December 18, 2007


10pm, bent az irodában, java developer megy hólyag kinullázásra. Összefut a másik devvel (c++)...
- hát te mit csinálsz itt?
- hát dolgozok, te mit csinálsz még itt...?
- én releaselek.... de ha te nem pornót töltesz le ilyenkor, akkor hülye vagy :)
- hát... ebben is van szopás...

Orvosi kamara, mi?


Elmagyarázom. Az orvosok eddig sem végezték tisztességel a munkájukat (a tisztelet a kivételnek majd akkor kerül ide, ha láttam olyan orvost. Mentőorvosok meg külön kategória, ők tisztességgel dolgoznak (aztán átmennek köházas orvosnak, és megromlanak, de ez másik sztori)).

A nővérek sem. Ez nem csak pénz kérdés. Hozzáértés, tisztesség, odafigyelés.

Csak hogy értsd: "...ott tesz keresztbe, ahol tud, ígérte Éger István..." NEKED, a betegnek. Elvégre te vagy az adófizető is. Ha nem fizetsz még többet (végül is az SLK merci TÉNYLEG nem új...) akkor nem kapsz még ennyit sem (hagynak elvérezni). És ha már itt tartunk, ha fizetsz sem kapsz semmit. Azért súgnám, hogy ha külföldön szülsz, akkor az lehet kicsit és sokkal drágább, viszont kapsz érte tisztességes ellátást, törődést, etc.

És hogy elejét vegyük az fiatal orvosokkal történő vitának: Magyaroszágon jó a képzés, és király orvosok dolgoznak. Pl világelsők vagyunk (magyar források szerint :))) égési sebek gyógyításában.... amiről azt mondta az egyik fejes, hogy ha valamit tudunk az égési sérülések gyógyításáról az az, hogy semmit nem tudunk róla.
És el kéne gondolkodni, hogy miért is kell nyelvet tanulni ahhoz, hogy boldoguljon az ember ;) sshhh, de ez titok. Mert ha rendes ellátást akarsz, érdemes az anyanyelvén beszélni az orvossal... ;-)

Monday, December 17, 2007


Best Teacher I Ever Had

by David Owen

Extracted from Reader's Digest (Asian Edition), April 1991, pp. 47-48.

(From: Dr Leong Hon Wai, ISCS, NUS; To: All my students;)

Mr. Whitson taught sixth-grade science.
On the first day of class, he gave us a lecture about a creature called the cattywampus, an ill-adapted nocturnal animal that was wiped out during the Ice Age. He passed around a skull as he talked. We all took notes and later had a quiz.

When he returned my paper, I was shocked. There was a big red X through each of my answers.
I had failed. There had to be some mistake! I had written down exactly what Mr. Whitson said.
Then I realized that everyone in the class had failed. What had happened?

Very simple, Mr. Whitson explained. He had made up all the stuff about the cattywampus.
There had never been any such animal. The information in our notes was, therefore, incorrect.
Did we expect credit for incorrect answers?

Needless to say, we were outraged.
What kind of test was this?
And what kind of teacher?

We should have figured it out, Mr. Whitson said. After all, at the every moment he was passing around the cattywampus skull (in truth, a cat's), hadn't he been telling us that no trace of the animal remained? He had described its amazing night vision, the color of its fur and any number of other facts he couldn't have known. He had given the animal a ridiculous name, and we
still hadn't been suspicious.
The zeroes on our papers would be recorded in his grade book, he said.

And they were.

Mr. Whitson said he hoped we would learn something from this experience.
Teachers and textbooks are not infallable. In fact, no one is. He told us not to let our minds go to sleep, and to speak up if we ever thought he or the textbook was wrong.

Every class was an adventure with Mr. Whitson. I can still remember some science periods almost from beginning to end. On day he told us that his Volkswagon was a living organism.
It took us two full days to put together a refutation he would accept. He didn't let us off the hook until we had proved not only that we knew what an organism was but also that we had the
fortitude to stand up for the truth.

We carried our brand-new skepticism into all our classes. This caused problems for the other teachers, who weren't used to being challenged. Our history teacher would be lecturing about something, and then there would be clearings of the throat and someone would say

If I'm ever asked to propose a solution to the problems in our schools, it will be Mr. Whitson.
I haven't made any great scientific discoveries, but Mr. Whitson's class game me and my classmates something just as important: the courage to look people in the eye
and tell them they are wrong. He also showed us that you can fun doing it.

Not everyone sees the value in this.
I once told an elementary school teacher about Mr. Whitson. The teacher was appalled. "He shouldn't have tricked you like that,'' he said. I looked that teacher right in the eye and told him that he was wrong.

David Owen, Condensed from Life (October '90). Time and Life Bldg.

(originally from http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~leonghw/Courses/cattywampus.html copy pasted to save it from web page extinction)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

jobb avgy bal?


2 magyárázat van: csintalan megverette magát/náci veszély. Mondjam, vagy mutassam.

Mindenesetre, ha valaki szeretne rendet és igazságot magyarországon, egy este szórakozásból nyugodtan keresse fel a kuruc-náci-infót. A csávó ismeri az elkövetőket, látásból.

Monday, December 10, 2007

uninstall windows messenger

RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

no comment


It speaks for all the conspiracy theories :)

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

explanation for all the popular songs



Na ja, eddigis tudtam, hogy amit highspeed-nek adnak el, azt ugye a minimumon kell számolni, minusz szerződés szerinti leállások, minusz amit ki tudnak magyarázni, minusz amit biróság megenged nekik egy perben minusz amiért a userek nem szólnak, mert macerás reklamálni.

Na ehhez képest a mail móka:


1. Egy emberi DNS 75MB-nyi genetikai informaciot tartalmaz.
2. Egy spermium (mivel a himivarsejtbol szarmazik az utodlashoz hasznalt
info fele) igy 37.5 MB-ot.
3. Egy milliliterben 100 millio spermium van.

Gondolatmenet: Altalanossagban egy alkalommal 2,25 ml-t lovunk ki 5 secundum
Igy a himvesszo savszelessege: (37,5MB x 100Millio x 2,25)/5 = (37.500.000
x100.000.000 x2.25)/5 = 1 687 500 000 000 000,
avagy: 1687,5 TeraBajt/s. Tehat ez orgazmusonkent tobb mint egymilliard floppy,
vagy 2 millio CD lemez/secundum. Kolosszalis!

(En lattam egyszer egy informatikai oktatofilmet, ahol egy holgy egyszerre
harom interface-en fogadott ilyen merteku informaciohalmazt. Egy technikai
zseni volt!!!)


Hozzátenném, hogy ennek a duplájáról van szó, mivel a spermában is ott van a teljes géntérkép, nem csak a fele.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Best aimbot&wallhack video ever

nice music, nice edit, no denial of cheating...

Rules Kids Won't Learn in School

Rules Kids Won't Learn in School

Rule #1. Life is not fair. Get used to it. The average teenager uses the phrase "it's not fair" 8.6 times a day. You got it from your parents, who said it so often you decided they must be the most idealistic generation ever. When they started hearing it from their own kids, they realized Rule #1.

Rule #2. The real world won't care as much about your self-esteem as your school does. It'll expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. This may come as a shock. Usually, when inflated self-esteem meets reality, kids complain that it's not fair. (See Rule No. 1)

Rule #3. Sorry, you won't make $50,000 a year right out of high school. And you won't be a vice president or have a car phone either. You may even have to wear a uniform that doesn't have a Gap label.

Rule #4. If you think your teacher is tough, wait 'til you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure, so he tends to be a bit edgier. When you screw up, he is not going ask you how feel about it.

Rule #5. Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping. They called it opportunity. They weren't embarrassed making minimum wage either. They would have been embarrassed to sit around talking about Kurt Cobain all weekend.

Rule #6. It's not your parents' fault. If you screw up, you are responsible. This is the flip side of "It's my life," and "You're not the boss of me," and other eloquent proclamations of your generation. When you turn 18, it's on your dime. Don't whine about it or you'll sound like a baby boomer.

Rule #7. Before you were born your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way paying your bills, cleaning up your room and listening to you tell them how idealistic you are. And by the way, before you save the rain forest from the blood-sucking parasites of your parents' generation try delousing the closet in your bedroom.

Rule #8. Life is not divided into semesters, and you don't get summers off. Nor even Easter break. They expect you to show up every day. For eight hours. And you don't get a new life every 10 weeks. It just goes on and on.

Rule #9. Television is not real life. Your life is not a sitcom. Your problems will not all be solved in 30 minutes, minus time for commercials. In real life, people actually have to leave the coffee shop to go to jobs. Your friends will not be perky or as polite as Jennifer Aniston.

Rule #10. Be nice to nerds. You may end up working for them. We all could.

Rule #11. Enjoy this while you can. Sure, parents are a pain, school's a bother, and life is depressing. But someday you'll realize how wonderful it was to be kid. Maybe you should start now.

You're welcome.

a válasz.

a linuxosoknak is jusson má :)




Hogyan basszunk oda a tinilányok világképének?


Az, hogy egy pöcs ír egy ilyen könyvet, okés. A kiadó már gázos, a reklámozó ujságíró meg.... purlitzer mi? Faszom, az ilyesmit kéne tilteni, nem a p2p-t.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007